You think you’re safe. What a joke. You don’t think about the places you pass every day. The side streets. The alleys. Under bridges. The shadows. All you’d […]
Poetry Above and Below – #DAYTON – TONIGHT at 5pm
Come and enjoy an evening of Ekphrastic Poetry at “Poetry Above and Below” Tonight at 5:00 p.m. “Poetry Above and Below” will bring Wright State faculty and student […]
Quantity, quality, and Alliteration Ink’s increased publication schedule for 2014
Authors and readers: Beware the publisher who boasts about the number of books they put out per month or per year. I’ve got to be skeptical of the […]
Why Alliteration Ink Rarely Has Early (Or Hard) Release Dates
As I made up Alliteration Ink’s release schedule for 2014, I deliberately avoided making hard release dates. I rarely have a solid, hard release date for any project, […]
Alliteration Ink To Focus on Publishing
It’s almost a new year, and while the milestone might be arbitrary, it’s still useful.Effective immediately, Alliteration Ink will focus on being a publisher and stop providing publishing […]
Call for editors for after NaNoWriMo
National Novel Writing Month is coming up in just a few days. After it is over, there will be (or at least SHOULD be) a lot of people […]