I’m having a hard time writing anything for here, simply because it seems so self-evident. For example, I’ve been thinking about how we conceptualize things in words (inspired […]
Better Minds Than Mine
Three interesting links. Data density ahead! Econbrowser: Gasoline prices: consumers and politicians respond Analyzing the consumer and politician responses to gasoline prices – and showing how an effective […]
Recognizing Racism in Tuskegee
[A foreword: Yes, I’m well aware that Mr. Goldberg is actually writing this to try to keep Rev. Wright in the news. Which makes this particular op-ed of […]
Apologies to JP Withers
(subtitled: Is JP vanity googling? Will he see this? We wait on the edge of our seats…) My apologies to JP Withers: My musical tastes haven’t changed. Fifteen […]
The AfterMath
So, the day after a building hit our car, we stopped by the same restaurant to grab some donuts. There was a small change to the construction site […]
Weekly Challenge #107 – Chair
Yes, it’s time again for the 100-word story weekly challenge. My entry (Steven the Nuclear Man) is below; be sure to stop by 100 word stories to read […]