This story is also part of this week’s 100 Word Story Weekly Challenge. Please stop by there and vote for the story (or stories) that you enjoy. As […]
Hearing the Uncanny Valley
There’s a concept known as the Uncanny Valley. In short, it basically states that while people accept totally fake cartoons as “real” characters, and real people as real […]
Happy Pictures of You
For some lighter fare, it’s pictureblogging time! If you want to see more, you can check out my Flickr stream. The warrior princess examines nature, and finds it […]
The times, they are changing…
I have never gotten a chill from a political e-mail before. Politicians, yes. Speeches, yes. A fundraising e-mail? Never. Until tonight. (Emphasis mine.) As we move toward the […]
It’s not you, it’s me.
“Maybe it’s me.” I thought that a lot through my teenage years and my twenties. I did not date a lot, and a lot of my relationships self-destructed […]
Towards a Level Playing Field
I tend to believe in a meritocracy. The American Ruling Class claims that a meritocracy was how the powers-that-be perpetuate themselves, but I do not think that’s the […]