After watching the 4th season premier of Community last night and (thanks to my back injury) being able to catch up on The Big Bang Theory today…
Yes, it’s official. Community is for freaks and geeks and nerds. BBT is about freaks and geeks and nerds.
And that’s a damn big difference.
We laugh with Abed. We laugh at Sheldon. The essential social misfit nature of all of Community is accepted, or even celebrated. (This can’t be good – he’s dressed as himself!) In BBT, playing D&D on Saturday or going to a comic convention is seen as something worthy of being mocked.
Community knows what the score is – hence, Abed’s "happy place" sitcom in History 101.
If you’re a freak, geek, nerd, or other outcast, welcome!
I’ll laugh with you. Not at you.
I'm fine with laughing with myself and laughing at myself. I have no doubts about myself in this perspective.
Fair enough – and I think Community does that. You can laugh at yourself without being Nelson's belittling HA-HA; TBBT has steadily been making me feel more mocked than teased, if that makes sense.