As I mentioned a while back, I got rid of the coffee cups, and I was waiting for Project Wonderful to approve me as a place to host advertising.
Yeah, well, that happened.
I’m not going to litter up the site – I’m only starting with two boxes off to the side. Each one is a “half banner” – 234px by 60px. And I’ll be approving ads manually, so they shouldn’t be anything offensive or scammy, either.
So I’d also ask that you whitelist Project Wonderful in Ghostery, Adblock, and the rest (a sample exclusion filter is in the right sidebar). And if you would like to advertise on this blog, go right ahead! Project Wonderful is a pretty spiffy program.
Here’s two examples of the size of image you can use in advertising here right now.
So we’ll give this a try, and see how it goes.