Racking up its second award nomination this year, Eighth Day Genesis: A Worldbuilding Codex has been nominated for an ENnie Award in the category of “Best RPG Related Product“.
If you don’t know what the ENnies are:
The Gen Con EN World RPG Awards (the “ENnies”) are an annual fan-based celebration of excellence in tabletop roleplaying gaming. The ENnies give game designers, writers and artists the recognition they deserve. It is a peoples’ choice award, and the final winners are voted upon online by the gaming public.
Though as I read that description, I realized that put us at a serious disadvantage. I’m not exactly a big publisher – and especially when compared to outfits like Random House. How could I compete with them?
With quality. I’m serious. I think the work Sabrina Klein and our authors did with Eighth Day Genesis is of excellent quality. So I’m making an excerpt1 of Eighth Day Genesis2 available online.
All you have to do is send an e-mail to 8thdaypromo@alliterationink.com. You’ll get a return e-mail with the appropriate links.3.
I hope other small publishers start doing something like this. I’m sure there’s lots of great material nominated for the ENnies that I’m just unaware of. And that’s a shame.
Until then, though…tell your friends. Share the excerpt. And if you like it, vote for us (and buy the book)!
1 Why not make the whole thing free and online? Because the vast majority of the revenue from this book goes to the authors and editors, not me. I’d be taking money away from them, and I’m not okay with that.
2 Three of the twenty sections are in this PDF.
3 You will only get one other e-mail from me the day voting begins. Your e-mail address will not be shared with anyone else. If you do not see the e-mail with links, check your spam filters. Thanks!