Lucy Snyder and I sat down and spoke with DJ Grandpa in an exclusive interview about the Jessie Shimmer series, writing, and how we all like seeing strong women, kick-ass women, and the difference between the two.
You can listen to the interview on the website, download it directly, or even subscribe in iTunes. Oh yeah, and it’s embedded below:
DJG gets his first tarot reading from Adriane Ruzak of Roll the Dice Fantasy RPG, and then beats some serious bad guy behind with Devils’ Field author, Lucy A. Snyder & Alliteration Ink publisher, Steven Saus.
The bit with Lucy and I starts at 14 minutes and 9 seconds; but take a few minutes to listen to Roll the Dice: Fantasy RPG themed Tarot Deck as well.
We’re awfully darn close to reaching our initial goal, so help us out by sharing this interview and the new Jessie Shimmer book on Facebook, G+, and Twitter!