…and I think that marks one of the most awkward blog post titles yet.
Anyway, it’s been a couple of busy weeks for me. First, I had a blast at Millennicon. Hearing the kids from the flash fiction contest read their work, getting to see old pals and make new ones… well, it was pretty kick ass.
One of these days I’ll remember to take enough pictures. Then it was @WritingCyn’s birthday, then revealing the covers for the next two releases from Alliteration Ink (one of which is an ALL-BACKER reward for Devils’ Field):
Speaking of Devils’ Field, Lucy and I did an interview with DJ Grandpa – which should be going live in the next day or so – which was a lot of fun.
And then it was off to the Antioch Writer’s Workshop Spring Seminar (which was great, let me tell you) – this Storify by Cathy Day actually gives only a hint of the awesome talent in the room:
Plus organizing some Agents to help get some of this stuff actually done and fixed, and trying to figure out a problem with releases for next month.
And then to top it all off, a pretty productive meeting with the rest of the convention committee for Context today and sending out the next batch of press releases for Devils’ Field.
In other words: Whew.