This week’s weekly challenge was Fuzzy Dice. As always, you can read my story below, and hear my story alone. You can also go to the 100 Word Stories site and podcast to read and hear the rest of the stories, and vote for your favorites! (Which could, of course, include mine…)
The thrum of the idling engine couldn’t keep up with my nervous heartbeat. My luck couldn’t screw us over this time. All I had to do was drive the getaway car. Just skill and planning. I touched the soft pink dice sitting beside me. Nothing distinctive about me, the car, or the day. Just a run of the mill bank robbery.
The joyriding kid’s car squealed out of control around the corner and smashed into the side of mine. Two flips and I stopped upside down. My dice tumbled into my blood pooling in front of me.
Lucky seven. Great.