While in class, @raanve remarked that academic papers can have some pretty lame titles. “Can you imagine if some of your favorite novels had titles like that?” she said. And then, when she saw me scribbling eagerly, said “You can use that for a blog entry.”
If you have any of your own, I’d love to see them in the comments. Here’s my list (though I cheated and drew from movies as well):
- King Kong: Anthropomorphizing Fear of the Other as Legitimation
- Gone With the Wind: Frequency and Variance of Romantic Involvement During Arson Events.
- Star Wars: The Effect of Violent Oppression on the Development of Class Consciousness
- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Examining Hospitality in Rural Populations, A Quantitative Approach
- Star Trek (the first movie): Probabalistic Estimation of Spontaneous AI Development in Deep Space Robotic Craft.
- Dawn of the Dead: Assessing the Viability of Saliva to Blood Transmission of Exotic Disease
- A Clockwork Orange: Examining the Efficacy of Aversion Therapy With the Criminal Element
- Romeo and Juliet: Social Ties and Obstacles for Youth in the Italian Upper Class.
- Hamlet: Admissibility of Testimony From Beyond the Grave, a Case Law Perspective
- Terminator: Quantifying the Durability of Exotic Alloys in Extreme Real-World Conditions
- Birth of a Nation: Examining Narrative as Racist Attempts at Historical Revisionism
- Silence of the Lambs: Examining the Role of Altruism in Victimization
- The Princess Bride: Distribution of Manual Digit Variation Among the European Upper Class.
- Snakes on a Plane: Assessing the Results of Training Variation on Piloting Ability in Extreme Situations
- Dune: Morphological Derivations and Phonemic Analysis of Killing Words.
What are yours?
The trick is – writing them without a colon.