Team Independence is holding several events in Second Life to help benefit Relay for Life – including a reading by yours truly. I will be reading Friday, 26 March, at 9pm SLT (6pm EST) at Mike Stackpole’s office. (Arrive with voice on, mikes off, please.)
I will be reading three short works: “Kicking the Habit”, my zombie romance from _Hungry for Your Love_; “Last Shift”, a coming of age (and coming out) story that is pending publication in Bent Magazine; and “Broken”, a somewhat different fairy story pending publication in On Spec Magazine.
Kat Alderson has posted the full schedule here, which ranges from readings by notables like Michael Stackpole and myself, a presentation of Mike’s fantastic “21 Days to a Novel” (something I cannot recommend enough), and Kat Alderson herself talking about Marketing in Second Life. All of these events are going to take place at Mike’s office (that’s a direct teleport link there).
There will be a tip jar present for donations (remember that L$250 equals about US$1), or you can donate with Team Independence directly here.
And here’s a photo that Crap Mariner took of my last reading at Heron Island, which continues to host live events – check them out as well!