I got hit with a stomach bug (hooray for Tang and crackers!), so it’s a grab-bag of pics from my (new-to-me) cell phone. Keep in mind that I wasn’t looking for a camera, just a cheap phone that makes calls… so yeah, this pictures are… abstract… at times. But hey, they’ve got witty captions, so it’s all good.
Teenager Practices Looking Disinterested, Aloof
Ex-Smoker Swears He Gained Weight Because He Quit Smoking, Really. Ignore the Twinkie.
These last three don’t get witty captions. The horror speaks for themselves. These were NOT at a thrift store. I saw them at Walgreens while waiting for my anti-nausea meds. They’re supposed to be Christmas carolers or something… or something… Note the irregular, bulging eyes…as if they’ve seen something Beyond The Void….
To think that we burned oil to import these … things… from overseas… ::shudder::