Ever notice that the same people who scream about “political correctness” are the same ones who insist we all have to pray the same way, show respect the same way, dress the same way, love the same way, speak the same way, and generally all behave the same way?
I mean, really. Have we already forgotten?
It’s like narcissists: they do exactly the thing they’re accusing you of doing. They tell you not to make something political, but don’t hesitate to do the same themselves. They tell you to be polite when you’re upset, but will scream at you and cut your microphone. They want their point of view to be heard, but don’t give a damn if yours is.
Here’s a tip: I’m not talking about liberals here.
Because no matter what the shit you see on social media says, we do not want you to apologize for being straight, Christian, or white.
We just want y’all to not be awful to everyone else who isn’t.