I like to have things in my life be intentional and worthwhile.
So I’m kind of done with trolls.
Not angry, not frustrated, not amused.
Just… bored.
It’s not relevant. It’s not “edgy”. It’s not even funny.
When it’s someone you used to know and be friends with, it might be disappointing and a little sad.
It’s pathetic at best.
This isn’t about disagreement. I’m okay with disagreement.
This is about people trying to give you crap and being offensive or antagonistic.
Let me remember that the impact of criticism is often not the intent of the critic,
but when the intent is evil, that’s what the block button’s for.
I’m just done with them.
It’s like Ze Frank’s An Invocation For Beginnings says:
Let me remember that the impact of criticism is often not the intent of the critic,
but when the intent is evil, that’s what the block button’s for.
So I’m going to be exercising that block (and delete) button this year.
So, Brian… thanks for force-feeding my ego, I guess…
FWIW, this post was inspired by a guy who I knew IRL who was trying to troll me on Facebook.
How about just not leaving a Comment Box on your blog page genius. But you can't do that, can you? No, because you crave, hell you Need the comments. That's why you write the blog in the 1st place. You Need to have some kind of input, some kind of interaction, back to know you're not just yelling into a canyon like a lonely howling coyote. If you want a reply, if you want a discussion then look someone in the eyes and talk. Don't get angry at people that are doing the same thing you are… writing down their thoughts (often trivial like this one) for others to view at their pleasure.