I use the Music Player Daemon (or MPD) for most of my regular music playing needs, including streaming my music library elsewhere.
There’s a lot – a lot – of different web UIs for MPD. However, they often
rely on PHP, databases, don’t have a feature I really want (such as cover art), or
have features I didn’t need (a separate webserver). So I decided to make
this for a fast, basic, but featureful (as far as I’m concerned) remote control/status implementation.
It does a few things, well. It shows the currently playing cover art, allows you to play/pause, go back and forward in the playlist, toggle shuffle and repeat, and to switch outputs.
And it does it all fast, and in a mobile-friendly web page.
It could also be installed on a remote webserver.
Credentials are stored in plaintext, but are protected by a .htaccess file, so you should be good to go there.
You can check it out at https://github.com/uriel1998/cgimpd