I’ve posted before that when it comes to “creepy” and “scary” music, I think that dark ambient stuff is far more effective than anything else. The mix I made several years ago on 8Tracks – Yog-Sothoth’s Ambient Mixtape – is an example of what I mean.
Today I’d like to draw your attention to some other tracks which also invoke the Mythos in their titles… and they do so with good reason.
Cryo Chamber bills themselves as a “Cinematic Dark Ambient” label, and these three releases really exemplify that ethos.
First, they’ve got two free (really, name-your-price) releases that you can pick up – Dark Ambient of 2014 and Dark Ambient of 2015. As with the others I’ll recommend here in a second, they’re long tracks, mixed into a seamless soundscape of ambient dread.
But these three albums that I’m really wanting to talk about … they’ll give you hours of this stuff, and are well worth every penny. I’ve embedded the large players, because the artwork is as stunning as the music.
Cthulhu is the shortest – and least expensive – of the three, at US$7. It’s just over an hour and twenty minutes.
Azathoth is longer – about two hours, split over two tracks, and clocks in at US$9.
Nylarlathotep is a massive 190 minutes (and US$15) of skin-crawling ambient horror.
And here’s the thing, folks. Whether it’s in the horror I watch or read, and especially the music I listen to while writing, I do not want something that’s full of jump scares. I want something that unsettles, something that takes the world we know and points out how it’s just a little bit wrong. These albums do so in a masterful way.
Whether to blast out over the neighborhood while trick-or-treating, or for your haunted house party, or while you’re writing (or reading) your favorite scary novel, these works are simply incomparable. Highly recommended.