I’ve pointed out in the past that encryption based on PGP (or GPG) is something you want – if for no other reason than to sign digital documents. Three years later, there’s a site/service called keybase.io that’s wanting to make this a lot easier for you – and I’ve got 20 invites!
In addition to providing a nice way to make encryption easy (including sharing encrypted documents or digitally signing them), keybase.io incidentally does something pretty cool: It verifies you as the owner of your twitter account, website, github, and more. For example, you can know that I’m really the guy behind @uriel1998 on Twitter:
This seems like a nice and neat way to help make encryption a lot simpler for folks. (Don’t think you need encryption? Mail me your bank statements, bills, or credit card statements. I’ll make sure they go where they need to go. Yeaaaaah.)
Since I have 20 invites (apparently the queue is over 25,000 people, and this jumps you to the top of the line), the first twenty people to e-mail me at
with a subject line of “I want encryption” will get an invite!