The first application I’m going to mention is XNView (scroll down on the website for the freeware link).
XNView has many things going for it, right out of the box. It’s crossplatform (Win/Mac/Linux), lets you do wonderful batch renaming, and simply so many ways to work with your images that it’s almost too daunting. But like the best multi-use programs, as you use it more, you’ll see where its power really is.
Short form: If you ever work with a lot of images – say, a collection of your backgrounds, or a lot of icons, or something like that – then it’s well worth the time to install XNView free on your system. You can get XNView at
The second recommendation is for Android phones and tablets. It’s called Chromer. It’s a little hard to describe why you want this, but I’ll quote the devs:
Hows is using chrome custom tabs advantageous?
Using chrome custom tabs you have the following advantages
• Minimal distractions from the app you are using.
• Pages load faster relatively.
• You don’t need to login to websites again.
• Your forms are auto filled if you have auto fill enabled.
• You can use chrome’s data saver feature.
• Your browsing experience is secure with latest security updates! Other browser apps using in-built webview can be prone to security and performance issues. If you are below 5.0 definitely consider chromer!
Compared to normal chrome?
Chromer, you are essentially loading a light weight version of chrome
that is fast and designed for the sole purpose of displaying webpages
quickly. You can always Menu – Open in chrome to open the page in chrome
and enjoy all features like bookmarks, history and multi-tab browsing!
So the short form is this: When you click a link in Gmail (or any other app), it loads a completely separate tab quickly and easily. It accesses your saved passwords, but doesn’t overwrite (or add) tabs to whatever else you’ve already got going on. It, too, is free, so if you’re running Android, it’s worth swinging by and giving it a try. You can get Chromer at: