That’s right folks, this week we’re going to go big or go home.
There’s two movie soundtracks that are must buys of the last few years:
If you are somehow not familar with these two, it’s Pacific Rim and Mad Max: Fury Road. Not only do I highly recommend both of these movies (really, really recommend both), but they both have frakking awesome soundtracks.
Even doing something stupid like cable management seems epic when listening to the Pacific Rim soundtrack, and let me just say that you probably should not drive while listening to Fury Road.
Take a listen to each soundtrack and tell me it doesn’t get you pumped. Both are great for writing high-impact action sequences. And you want to get the extended version of the Mad Max soundtrack. Trust me.
Click the movie poster to head to Amazon to buy ’em, or get ’em from Google or iTunes like I do.