One of the things I like to (and am reasonably qualified to) talk about at conventions is digital publishing. I’ve worn a lot of hats, and so have some experience talking to and about the many different roles and models these things take.
And I’m experienced enough to get frustrated when people talk about formatting their eBook and solely talk about how ePub isn’t Kindle.
However, I forgot to bring my handouts for my talk today (that will start just after this post goes live) at Millennicon.
So (without a lot of context, as I’m kind of rushing at the moment), these are some of the resources I point people at when they’re trying to decide what to do.
Five paths to publication
Note: There is an updated version of this infographic that adds (largely) non-paying “community” publishing. However, my target audience is authors with a professional (e.g. getting paid) mindset, and the changes are not as useful for my audience.
Digital Publishing G+ group
The Book Designer – Joel Friedlander
Writer Beware
Laura Resnick’s writer resources
Lousy Book Covers
Sell your eBook yourself
Big Contract Post