I am presenting my talk "Digital, Self, Traditional, Services, and Scams: What Kind of Publishing is Right for You?" at the main Dayton Metro Library at 6:30pm on the 14th. From the official description:
Dizzying choices of the modern publishing landscape can confound any
writer. Published author Steven Saus will shed some light on the
subject. He’ll help you understand a variety of options and help you
avoid scams to keep you from getting ripped off.
This is going to be a high-level overview designed for people with no experience, but I’m leaving lots of time for folks to ask detailed questions afterward.
My goals for the talk are to make the audience:
- Familiar with formats and technology
- Familiar with current models of publishing
- Familiar with scams (and how to avoid them)
- Familiar with major storefronts
- Familiar with arguments about piracy
- Familiar with pricing conventions
- Have the background to be able to answer if they should ePublish,self-publish, etc
Be prepared to take notes (or record the thing); I go fast and don’t do much in the way of handouts.
Please note: I may have some copies of books on hand outside (particularly Eighth Day Genesis), but I am not there to sell books. Further, I am not going to be soliciting business or entertaining queries for publication or eBook conversion at that time; please see the Alliteration Ink Guidelines (and follow them).
Why? Because this is an informative talk, not a sales pitch. Anyone who makes a sales pitch and tries to disguise it as an informative talk probably doesn’t have your best interests in mind.