“I assume you don’t read my blog.”
I say that a lot at conventions. I talk about most of the things I’m thinking about on the blog at some point. Or I reference them, or, or, or.
And the fact of the matter is, I don’t know who reads this blog. Or who reads it regularly as opposed to intermittently. Sometimes I’m surprised, and the person I’m talking to has read my blog. They do know what I’m referring to.
But more often than not, they don’t. And that’s okay.
I’ve run into a few people who seem surprised that I didn’t see their blog entry, or what they tweeted, or what they posted to Facebook that one time. They take it as a personal affront, as a breach of friendship.
They’re egotistical douchepuppets.
I don’t get to read everything I want to. My Read It Later list is fantastically long. And stuff happens. I get busy. And so on.
I’m sure I am missing absolutely awesome stuff. I wish I wasn’t…but I am, whether I want to or not. It isn’t a referendum on you, your writing, the LOLCat you shared, or anything else. It just is.
I assume that you’re in that kind of situation.
So I’ll keep assuming that you haven’t read my blog.