Recently, an acquaintance of mine – Chris Sprouse- declined to continue working with Orson Scott Card due to the “media attention” around the project.
That is to say, “media attention due to OSC’s very public anti-gay position”.
I do not pretend to know if Chris finds OSC’s lobbying against gays to be repugnant… Or if Chris does not want to be publicly associated with a bigot. I don’t know Chris that well, and he’s perfectly capable of speaking for himself there.
What’s notable about Chris’ decision to step away from working with OSC
is the delicacy and class in which it’s done. (I would probably have
dork like that.)
But business owners and creative folks – you need to pay attention to what’s happening around OSC. People are distancing themselves from his bigotry simply because it’s controversial.
When you wear your bigotry on your sleeve, it matters. It can impact your business and your professional life. You are perfectly free to advocate being a bigoted douchepuppet and insisting that others live by your personal views.
It will have social and financial consequences for you and anything you’re associated with.
When you say bigoted stuff… People may not want to be around you. Ever. Or be associated with you. Ever.
It’s not because you have a principled stand. It’s because you actively chose (and continue to choose) to act like a bigot.
Believe what you like. Publicly espouse what you like.
When people react to it, don’t be surprised.