Based around Laurence Simon’s weekly challenge for the 100 word-stories podcast. You can also read and hear the rest of the entries at the 100 Word Stories podcast site.
My voice was still too crap to record this one, unfortunately. Hopefully by this weekend I’ll be up to it…
And for further reading enjoyment, don’t forget that the Spec The Halls is still taking entries, and you can read the ones already up for this year!
On top of the tower, the wind blows through her hair. She flares her wings, enjoying the air passing through them. The clouds scud in a grey ceiling above her as she waits.
There is still time, she thinks looking over the city. So much metal and plastic. So far from the jungle. They didn’t have to be perfect, just better than the apes they descended from.
The clouds part above her; sunlight flares down. The Voice booms its answer.
She draws her sword and slams it through the tower, and begins the long job of destroying the world.