Yup, it’s flash fiction time again!
As always, this is based around Laurence Simon’s weekly challenge for the 100 word-stories podcast. It’s a great exercise for writers – writing a good drabble is a lot harder than it appears, but is still a "small" task so you can get around that idea of it being too much work. And then you get a random (and often bizarre) writing prompt to shoehorn you out of writer’s block! Go read the rules for the Weekly Challenge and participate!
The player below should have the audio for this week; if it doesn’t, you can find the audio here to download. You can also read and hear the rest of the entries at the 100 Word Stories podcast site!
I am now – when I remember to do so – updating these in a podcast feed (dubbed "Radio Free Steven the Nuclear Man" by Laurence). You can subscribe with this link (https://feeds.feedburner.com/Ideatrash) in your podcatcher or phone.
The speaker crackled and clicked on. "Everything good, Sergeant?"
The astronaut tied to the chair moaned through the gag.
"I know you’re not a man of science, so hopefully you’ll forgive a small lecture."
The man strained against the plastic ropes, tipping the chair over.
"Sound is transmitted by molecules vibrating against one another. And space is a vacuum. No molecules."
The man saw the bomb, just out of reach.
"Well, not quite a vacuum. Just very few molecules. They have to move a long way to hit another one."
The bomb’s timer ticked down to zero.
"So scream loud."