As mentioned earlier this month, I’ll be one of the judges for CONTEXT’s first-ever flash fiction contest (sponsored by Raw Dog Screaming Press). Even if you’re not able to be there the whole weekend, keep in mind that Friday-only registration is only $20, with registration opening at 4pm.
Contestants will be able to sign up at registration; there will be room for 12 contestants, and sign-ups will be first-come, first serve! (Unless I’m mistaken, we will take additional print-only entries for a second tier.)
There will be two contestant categories: Pro and Amateur. Contestants in the Pro category would include writers who have published three or more short stories or a novel; anyone who would qualify for active status in SFWA or HWA would be a pro. Contestants who would qualify as Amateur would have no or less than two fiction publishing credits.
Contestants will read aloud complete stories of up to 1500 words; they’ll be judged both on the story and on their performance of it. People must read their own work, published or unpublished, and must provide the judging panel with four hard copies in standard manuscript format so the judges can follow along. Individuals with speech disabilities, laryngitis, etc. may have friends read for them.
Prizes will include a $25 voucher for the dealer’s room, a hardcover copy of Michael A. Arnzen’s 100 Jolts, and a sculpture created for the Lovecraft-inspired artbook Verminomicon. Oh yeah, and stuff from Alliteration Ink as well, including a copy of See No Evil, Say No Evil and a pre-release copy of Dangers Untold.