Yup, that’s right folks, I said sale. Alliteration Ink is – from now until 23:59 MST on New Year’s Eve – offering a 25% discount for all items purchased directly from us. This is a great value for you – not only do you get more formats (ePub, PDF, and Kindle), but you get them at a discount!
"But wait," says Concerned Hypothetical Person, "I thought part of your thing was to make sure that authors got paid. Aren’t you cutting into their profits?"
Actually, no. What I’m discounting is roughly1 the same as the percentage from other online retailers. The authors still get paid, you pay less and get great stuff to read – everyone wins.
Dark fantasy or horror your thing? Check out the The Crimson Pact Volume One and The Crimson Pact Volume Two.
The moment of the demons’ defeat became their greatest victory.
In the carnage after the last great battle against the demons, a doomed general discovers their hidden victory. Instead of being annihilated, unspeakable evil escaped into many unsuspecting worlds. To fight them, the men and women of the Crimson Pact must sacrifice everything—including their own lives.
Each of these volumes is over 500 pages in print – and the eBooks are only $4.99 ($5.49 for the special edition) before the discount!
Would you rather go for a spy thriller? Donald J. Bingle’s Net Impact is a grown-up spy thriller, with real people facing real problems… and then there’s the bad guys, too. (Did you see the thing about Denver International Airport on The Colbert Report? Yeah, there’s really weird things at DIA… but they’re not phalluses! Read Net Impact to find out! Only $4.99 before the discount!)
Like my flash fictions? Maybe is for you then – a collection of over sixty of them, ranging from zombies to romance for $1.99 (before the discount). Or you can pick up (for only $0.99 each – before the discount!) Memories of Light and Sound, my time-travel story about love and family, or The Burning Servant, recently purchased by Pseudopod for adaptation into a podcast!
Nonfiction your thing? We have my own So You Want to Make an eBook? on sale, as long as Wendy-O Matik’s Redefining Our Relationships.
Swing by the Alliteration Ink store and see what tickles your fancy. Because you can’t just let an opportunity like this pass you by!
The coupon code – again, only good at our store and until 23:59 on New Year’s Day (Mountain Standard Time) is BRANDNEWDAY ! Take advantage of this offer now!
1 I still get hit by PayPal fees, hence why it doesn’t match up to AMZ or B&N’s take.