I don’t like “passive” inspirational quotes. I ranted about it here… and mentioned a contest, which I then forgot to post. Whoops.
So here’s my contest:
Create an inspirational poster that inspires you to go out and kick ass. I’m looking for quotations like:
Illegitimi non carborundum (or its variations)
In order to be walked on, you have to be lying down. – Brian Weir
Things that tell you to get off your ass and GO. Combine ’em with a kick-ass image (sensing a theme?) – making sure to respect creator’s rights, of course – and then get thee to a copy of Photoshop (or the Gimp)!
Post the image (or a link to it) in the comments here by midnight EST the 17th of December. I’ll choose my favorite and send you a copy of your choice of Hungry for Your Love, Timeshares, or Pencils Made This Scar – just in time for Christmas!
Hey, Nice contest. Who doesn't like Inspirational posters and quotes. I have made up a quick poster as I was inspired to. Here is the link to my image which I put up via TwitPic.
Thanks for your time and consideration. I look forward to seeing the other entries.
I had some fun with this.
Why not?
Though too brutal, perhaps?