It’s yet another drabble! (And yes, it’s Sunday – because it’s bloody talk like a scallywag pirate day…) You can vote for this one at the Weekly Challenge (and read and hear the other entries as well). If you just want to hear it alone, you can use the player below, or if it’s borked (like in some feed readers), you can use this direct download link.
The first defendant wore a “home taping is killing the music industry” shirt. “Plea?” I asked.
“Not guilty! Information wants to be free! “
“Innocent by reason of insanity.” I said. “Ideological idiots. Next!”
The man had candles in his black beard. “Yarrr, me letter of mark from the Queen here says – “
“Dry him out in the drunk tank. He reeks of rum. Next!”
The third defendant wore a suit and tie. “I don’t understand. I just ran the subprime CDO desk at an investment bank.”
I leapt up. “Hang him. Hang him by the neck until he’s dead, dead, dead!”
If the end of this story doesn’t make sense to you, check out this story at Pro Publica, which will explain all.