It’s yet another drabble! You can vote for this one at the Weekly Challenge (and read and hear the other entries as well). If you just want to hear it alone, you can use the player below, or if it’s borked (like in some feed readers), you can use this direct download link.
“So, you’ve had some stories published?” I hate the old, quavering sound of my voice.
“Yes, grandpa.” I still think of him as the boy, though he’s older
than me when I’d married Martha. He’s holding his book behind his
back. “I’ve got a chapbook of short stories.”
“Oh,” I say, and nod. “Good job. Can I read them?”
“They’re… not really your speed.” I see the knife and blood on the
cover. “Thanks, though. Gotta go, grandpa.”
I shake my head as he leaves, and try to decide between the Poppy Z.
Brite novel or the Clive Barker one.