Yes, it’s this week’s 100 Word Story, which is also entered in the Weekly Challenge. Do listen below, or at this direct link if the player’s not working, and vote for my story at the Weekly Challenge!
This week’s background music comes from the track “Restless Sleep” by Gurdonark (feat. Nakjaarna and Sleepless), and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
Contrary to written records, Noah’s family did most of the species gathering. The animals milled in pens all around Noah’s farm while he finished the ark.
“Advanced degree in genetics,” Noah said, “and the Lord has me sawing wood. You’d think He likes carpenters or something.”
Upon finishing, Noah realized how little space was inside the ark. “Lord,” he said as the rain began to fall, “there’s only room for two of each animal. The genetic bottleneck will -“
The flash and boom of an atomic explosion echoed from the distance.
“Don’t worry about it,” said the Lord. “There’ll be mutations.”