You might remember that a week or so ago, I started a contest to win one of the limited edition copies of Pencils Made This Scar, my direct-to-reader funded chapbook of flash fiction and drabbles.
I took all the e-mails, tweets, facebook comments, blog comments and the like, numbered them, and rolled my trusty percentile dice…
…and Della Richmond won!
For the rest of you, don’t feel bad – you can still get your own copy (both digital and, if you’re quick, the limited edition paper version) in several ways:
The eBook is available for only $2 at my website (PDF, mobi (Kindle) and ePub formats), at Scribd
(PDF format), Smashwords
(PDF, ePub, PDF, RTF, and Kindle formats, though a warning – the HTML versions look wonky due to the lost pagebreaks) and available soon from the Kindle store.
The limited, signed, paper edition will be available (for $8) from my website starting 1 July (I’m having a small issue with USPS integration).
Again, congratulations to Della, and I hope the rest of you enjoy the book!