I have a nonfiction essay in Mock Turtle’s May 2010 issue. It’s a local (Dayton, OH) ‘zine; you can pick up copies at the Ohio Coffee Company on Jefferson and Ludlow (next to Spaghetti Warehouse) or at the Sideshow at the Armory (in the Oregon District).
I’ll be at MARCON over Memorial Day weekend, and on several interesting panels (schedule below): FRI 08:30pm Cthulhu 101 SAT 10:00am Marketing your story SAT 07:00pm Reading SAT 10:00pm Religion in SF SUN 11:30am Paper vs. E-books vs. Audio Books
I recently agreed to be a part of “The Library” at Origins in Columbus. I won’t be there the whole time, but will be there on Saturday and Sunday. The programming for that isn’t completely hammered out yet, but I believe I’ll be hosting a table at a brunch, be a special guest in a game, doing a reading, and being on panels and whatnot.
And you’re right – you haven’t seen a 100 word story yet this week. I have one, but I didn’t finish it in time for the weekly challenge. I’ll be posting it in the next day or two.