This was again part of the 100 Word Stories Weekly Challenge. Voting’s back, so you can vote for it and listen (and read) the rest of the stories over at the 100 Word Stories site. If you just want to listen to mine alone, you can do so using the player below. (If the player’s borked – like in some feed readers – try this link.
“There, grandpa,” Mike said, his young hand releasing the wood tile. “I spelled PIT. How many points is that?”
Grandfather looked at the board. “I think it’s ten.”
“Did you play this game a lot with grandma before she died?”
“Yes. We played most nights.” Grandfather put his tiles down on the board. “Hospital.”
The boy frowned and hummed, then his face lit up as he put down his letters. “Hospitality,” he said.
“Congratulations,” Grandfather said. “You win!”
As they left the room, they left behind the game board. There, for a little while, hospitality was spelled with two e’s.