Once again, I’ve entered this story into the Weekly Challenge. Feel free to stop by there and vote for my story; you can also read the other entries and hear them there. If you just want to hear mine alone, the MP3 is here.
“We don’t have penguins,” she IM’d. Her avatar’s tail twitched.
He panned his cam over the alife chickens and turtles covering their
parcel. The virtual eggs filled his inventory.“The people next to us have penguins,” she continued. “And scripted
flexiwings.”He rezzed his own wings. “I got these from Yadni’s…”
“I don’t want some freebie crap,” she said, and logged off.
He made his wings stretch and flap. They’d been free,
but with full permissions. With them, he could do anything.The neighbors watched the wings carry him over their chickens, turtles, and penguins, heading east, never to return.