Jim Hines is a fantasy author, with three hilarious goblin books out and one with kick-ass princesses (with more on the way). In real life, though, Jim spent some time helping survivors who had been raped. While (mildly, very mildly) deserving of a trigger warning – something Jim himself notes – his triptych of rape awareness posts are thought provoking and worth reading. Of special note is the latest, which talks about the things those closest to a survivor often do… and probably shouldn’t.
In Second Life news, I belatedly discover that Linden Labs is developing a client that can selectively block certain ratings of content. After speaking with an educator last weekend who uses Second Life – and who freely noted that the “Adult Continent” policy wouldn’t help her or her students at all – this seems to be the best implementation to both maximize freedom and allow people to avoid content they simply don’t want to see. Not that I would have suggested this idea at the beginning of the month.