I haven’t mentioned it in a while, but I’m still sending out a submission a week to somewhere. Currently, I have things out to (in no particular order) FlashMe, Bent, On Spec, Writer’s Journal, Ink Oink Art, The Threepenny Review, Asimov’s, and Alien Skin Magazine. I really like Ralan for finding markets, especially for genre work, but over the weekend I was told that Duotrope’s search engine allows easy sorting for word counts. Considering that the stuff I have in submissions ranges from 542 words to 2,200 words, that’s an important feature.
In case you’re wondering how I keep all this straight, I also like Sonar, a free submission tracking tool. I’ve tried paper-based systems of various types, and spreadsheets, and moving folders around… and basically it all became a crazy mess. This simple freeware program keeps all the information where I need it. Highly recommended.