– In fond memory of J. Wright
The robot’s head tkask-tkasked across the floor of Electrode’s underground lab. Brainstorm squirmed in his restraints, the power-nullifying pad making his mental powers useless in its technological embrace. Electrode looked up from his work, cackling as small arcs of power flitted between his fingers.
“An invisible opponent with a blade?” Electrode cackled again, and looked at Brainstorm. “It must be your dear son Malcom, here to save his father.”
Another robot head clattered its way across the room, careening into an equipment-filled cabinet. Electrode blanched, then reached behind him. As he pulled the large switch beside him, Electrode cried “No mere ninja can get past my electric death-trap!”. Giant electric arcs swept through the air, their ozone stink as strong as the vast crackling sound. Under the cover of the sound, Electrode spoke to Brainstorm alone: “When your son’s sword touches me, he’ll be in for a … shocking surprise!”
Even as he laughed, a human-sized blur dodged between the zotting pulses of power, heading straight for Electrode. The villain stepped back to dodge, but was too slow. The sword reversed mid-strike, metal moving away as the hilt thunked squarely between the evil man’s eyes. Electrode dropped to the ground, stunned. Genyosha – Malcom Lennox – stood victorious above him. The hero reached out and turned off the deathtrap and the field that incapacitated his father.
“Your plans should have been more grounded, Electrode,” he said. “It is useless to resistor the Sentinels.”
As Malcom and his father left the lair, and the government agents swept in to arrest the criminal, Malcom looked over his shoulder one last time.
“And by the way, I’m not a ninja.”
This was awesome! A fitting tribute to Toledo John!