That small number can easily be overwhelmed, their regressive clamor stilled, if the rest of the FOSS community simply stands up to be counted. Stands up to say that yes, they do want innovation and quality code. Stands up to say that yes, they do just want to have great software — but what makes a software good is skill, and audacity, and the ability to consider the future clearly rather than through the foggy lenses of nostalgia and privilege.
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I made the mistake of reading John C. Wright’s blog and realized something important
I just read two entries of Mr. Wright’s blog, mind you. I lay the responsibility of this squarely at the feet of Nick Mamatas, who linked to one […]
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…it’s already started again (another quick note for those who were on slates) #Hugos
First off, congrats to the Hugo Award winners! My sympathies to those works which (probably) weren’t on the ballot due to Puppy slates. And I wish that was […]
awards / racism / sexism / sfwa
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On His Flaming Phallus Substitute (or “Why Does It Burn When Vox Posts?”) and The Whole Tor Thing
I’m posting this comment on my own blog, since B-movie villain Vox Day seems to be all keen on trying to attribute words to other people and organizations. […]
homophobia / racism / sexism
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A quick note to those on a Puppy Slate
[Edit to add a clarification/tl;dr: from the comments] TL;DR: Hey, nominees, your silence is being read as agreement with everything that Brad and Vox and Wright are saying. […]