Okay, so I’ve sent out the formal announcements about recompose. So let me take a second to talk informally about some of the things that make recompose special […]
Where Do You Get Those Wonderful Ideas: Save The Date for 25 October
There was one really, really cool moment when I got my contributor’s copy of Now Write! Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror. I can sum it up pretty easily: […]
My story “Until It Fits” is now up (and free to read) at Crossed Genres magazine.
I am pleased to announce that my story “Until It Fits” appears in this issue of Crossed Genres. (Yes, that’s a link to the story.) There’s two things […]
Room Service – Published at the WiFiles
My short story “Room Service” was just published at The WiFiles; go check it out (it’s free to read). This story actually is an iteration of one of […]
Trust your audience and readers – or you’ll piss them off (at best)
Over the weekend, I watched three sci-fi films with Chris The Nuclear Kid – the very first of the original Flash Gordon serials, the 1980’s Flash Gordon, and […]
Strange Things are afoot at the Circle B Ranch…
Today, things in the wild west get a little bit stranger. A Bear Riding a Horse. Your Argument Is Invalid. Er, no. Not that. Today’s the day that […]