There is a chance today to show whether we would shout “We have no king but Caesar”… or if we would demand the truth.
Follow the money: Metal and drugs Edition
Did you see that thing about drugs and music? Did you think it was dumb and obvious? It was worse.
Challenging Your Ethics Can Be A Gift
Sometimes I end up spending a lot of time and energy dealing with questions around my ethics, my values, and my actions. (Yes, like the stuff around Steampunk […]
Summarizing the Responses To My GamerGate Post, And A Call To Action If They’re Serious
For something that was a personal manifesto, my blog post yesterday seemed to strike a bit of a defensive nerve. (You are more than welcome to poke through […]
I Wish It Was “Or What?!”: Vanity Publishing has Found Kickstarter.
I’m not sure if this project actually violates Kickstarter’s guidelines, but it sure as heck violates my ethical crowdfunding standards: Yes, that’s right. “Backers, submit your story & […]
Paying Authors Through Crowdfunding: How To Know It Is Being Done Ethically
I have heard rumblings from some authors who are complaining about the “recent practice of offering ‘early submission’ of stories to a publisher in return for Kickstarter or […]