As I’m preparing to launch a campaign-style 5e D&D campaign with The Black Talons, it occurred to me that I’ll need to pay (pun intended) more attention to […]
The (Tragically) Unspoken Cost of Doing Business
Once you understand externalities, you’ll wonder why they’re so often ignored.
Four Average Adult Wages Needed To Keep Up With Economic Growth
When you’re talking about how Americans have done compared to economic growth in the US that it’s not just “top 1%” vs “everyone else”. It’s worse.
The GOP plan to destroy local businesses – while shaming people who need help.
The GOP administration’s plan to replace SNAP (food stamps) with food boxes isn’t just about eliminating food choices, or eliminating fresh fruits and vegetables and meats from poor […]
The one economic principle politicians ignore when immigrants are involved
Look at your politicians. See how many of them have championed the “free market”. Realize that the free market includes the idea that labor – that is, workers […]
Paychecks, Fulfillment, and the modern workforce
The manager spoke passionately about healthcare reform. The day’s presentation had been a crash course in toned-down Patch Adams style relationships; ways for workers to interact more personally […]