The right wing strategy of framing abortion restrictions as an economic goal is so oversimplified that it might as well be written in crayon.
economics / feminism / healthcare / politics / pro-life / sociology
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Society, writing, geekdom, politics, and errata. By Steven Saus.
The right wing strategy of framing abortion restrictions as an economic goal is so oversimplified that it might as well be written in crayon.
The situation itself is not intentional. Not fixing it is.
Gotta keep your eye on what’s important.
Sometimes when you can’t explain why someone would do a bad thing, the explanation is just too simple.
We welcome back some parts of the World That Was.
But we have a chance to not just go back to the World That Was, but to make a better World That Is.
Once you understand externalities, you’ll wonder why they’re so often ignored.