I just bought an eBook. This is probably no surprise. I’ve been reading eBooks for a while now, and still fondly have old eBook readers. I’ll sometimes load […]
digital publishing / publishing
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DRM means that you never, ever own it.
Remember when everyone paid attention to who really “owned” the eBooks you bought? It was a couple of years ago, in 1999. It was largely centered around Amazon’s […]
digital publishing / piracy / publishing
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I got a phone call from the guy who runs TUEBL… (or: Pirates and Bandits Revisited)
If you didn’t see the earlier post, I took TUEBL (The Ultimate E Book Library) to task for clothing piracy in the language of idealism. I’d also left […]
piracy / publishing
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DRM is losing your (digital) cool
Yesterday, I completely lost my cool. The details aren’t important – I just felt up against a wall, trapped, taken advantage of, exploited, and betrayed.1 Upset and scared, […]