John Horner Jacobs’ novel, Southern Gods, is like The Muppets. Yes, the one with Jason Segel. Just with more tentacles. And mind-blasting things from beyond. Let me explain. […]
The Right Mix of Insanity and Reality: Double Dead and Bad Blood by Chuck Wendig
Let me start here: I recommend Double Dead and Bad Blood for fans of vampires, zombies, and Preacher. Because like Garth Ennis’ epic comic run on Preacher, the […]
Review: CODEX BORN by Jim C. Hines
I’ve been reading Jim Hines since the Goblin series of books – and full disclosure, I know and like him as a person as well. That said, liking […]
Past the Far Side of Meaning: A Review of “Plow the Bones” by Douglas F. Warrick
There is a connection between the television comedy Louie, the Book of Ecclesiastes, and Douglas Warrick’s collection Plow the Bones. All three are literary in the best possible […]
Book Review: Dead Inside: Do Not Enter (Notes From the Zombie Apocalypse)
Dead Inside:Do Not Enter is (accurately) described as a cross between World War Z and PostSecret. It is one of the most wonderfully bleak books that I’ve read […]
Book Review: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business manages to balance both a challenging point of view – you are responsible for […]