In retrospect, I should have just nodded and said “Yes, the bastard!” Instead, I said, “Right – and it doesn’t work because it doesn’t take societal mechanisms into […]
sex / sociology
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Knee-Jerk Morality
It’s been a while since something provoked such a moral reaction so quickly.The class was discussing the possible functions of prostitution. “Create jobs,” said one person. “Do sexual […]
philosophy / sociobiology / sociology
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Hacking Mead
The Meadian concept of oneself (and how we model others goes a long way towards explaining conversational strategies. The two that most obviously lend themselves towards this analysis […]
feminism / sociology
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Biology and Gender
Let me take a try at this gender vs. biology thing. I’m reading Paradoxes of Gender, and it’s an interesting book. At least at the beginning (which is […]