So, once again, Ohio lawmakers slipped an anti-abortion “heartbeat bill” in among other legislation. Which is a legit tactic… …but it seems pretty shady and underhanded if it’s […]
The question pro-life advocates don’t care about: Why should I bring an unwanted child into the world?
I don’t often make a big deal out of this, but I’m personally pro-life. Politically, I hasten to add, I’m pro-choice. If somehow it were to be a […]
Infographic: Reproductive Health and Teenagers
Jenica Rhee sent me a link to this great infographic she created, because she thought the folks here would be interested. And y’know what? I think she’s right. […]
The opening salvoes in the fight to make Church law trump civil law
When the RCC as an organization (and I’m especially looking at the Knights of Columbus here) will loudly remember the anti-abortion aspects of “pro-life” and conveniently forget the pacifism and rejection of the death penalty that are *also* pro-life, then the precedent for hypocrisy is already set. When anyone calling themselves pro-life only cares about abortion, they’re already picking and choosing.
Street Preacher
I apparently missed the street preacher on Wright State’s campus today. He was (according to my wife, who he called a “loose woman“) ranting about Freddie the Fornicating […]
On any given comment thread…
Maybe it’s because we talked about Religulous last night; the Universe has a nasty habit of springing surprise synchronicity into my lap. Maybe it’s because springtime is here […]