I’m simply stunned by the people who don’t follow submission guidelines. I don’t mean vague things like “themes” or genre elements or stuff like that. I mean basic […]
An Alert From SFWA About Contract Non-Compete and Option Clauses
Brought to my attention by Chuck Wendig is an alert by the SFWA Contracts Committee regarding non-compete clauses: The SFWA Contracts Committee believes there are serious problems for […]
What A Cover Letter Should Look Like When Submitting To A Magazine
It’s been a couple years since I wrote about what a cover letter should look like, and it was definitely before we launched recompose. Three hundred odd submissions […]
A Study In Quick Characterization: The Dinner Scene From “You’re Next”
While there are significant differences between print and visual media, writing is writing. Regardless of what kind of writing you’re doing, you can learn by examining good (and […]
Always try to sell short works before putting them in your own collection
I putz about on Reddit sometimes, and ran across this question in /r/Writing (relevant bit quoted below): [I’ve written some short stories now.] I was wondering whether I […]
The Gentrification of Genre and the Coarsening of Literature: Where both shall meet
“There’s no such thing as a ‘literary’ genre novel,” she tells me in between panels. “They just slap the word ‘literary’ onto any genre book that makes it […]