Today I was catching up on Quirks and Quarks, and heard a psychiatrist talk about the study he had done on rhesus monkeys. The jist of the study […]
Birthday Cards
I like giving birthday cards. Even to people I don’t care for. And anniversary cards. And other random cards to people just because I can (though these last […]
Getting It Done… Without Statistics
“But we managed to get it done, right?” I did manage to take care of the customer – through a combination of luck, skill, hand gestures, and their […]
In Defense of Consciousness
A strict biological point of view skids quickly into pure determinism, and there isn’t much of a way around it. It is even possible to dismiss consciousness as […]
The Most Inspiring Thing…
I didn’t mention it at the time, but the most inspiring thing I’ve ever heard was from a presenter at the NCSA conference last month. This person has […]
Wearing Work Clothes: Updated
What follows is the text of my presentation at the 2008 Quest for Community Conference. It contains some new information that was not included in the presentation at […]