Summary: A set of scripts (one for *nix and OS X, one for Windows) that create a time-date stamped copy of any file from the commandline. Lots of […]
Updated: Control PulseAudio With a Command-Line Ruby Script
Ah, PulseAudio. A brief description for those unfamiliar with it: As described on the PulseAudio page: PulseAudio is a sound system for POSIX OSes, meaning that it is […]
Putting a Code Box On Blogger Posts
This is largely derived this blog post from 2009, but the code was slightly borked, so here’s a fix. (If you’re looking at this on Facebook or somewhere […]
Use from the command line (and browser!) with no frills
Yeah, so I loathe the redesign. I want a simple url shortener, that at least has an option without flash, or bundles, or doozits. So here’s to […]
How Anti-Piracy Activists Can Be Used to Destroy Negative Reviews
Anyone who posts their comments (let alone official reviews) of books, music, or movies online should be very, very concerned about the state of anti-piracy legislation. To get […]
HOWTO show your book covers in a blog sidebar with clickable links.
My pal Sarah Hans asked how to make a sidebar widget on her blog with clickable book covers. It’s pretty easy to do one like mine; I have […]